The goal of this exercise is to get an intuition of a motif discovery approach relying on the detection of over-represented oligonucleotides.
Our approach will be pragmatic.
We retrieved the upstream non-coding sequences of the genes involved in methionine biosynthesis and sulfur assimilation, and counted the occurrences of each hexanucleotide.
We also computed
We would like to know if some 6nt are over-reprsented in promoters of methionine-associated genes relative to the occurrences that would be expected from a random selection of yeast promoters.
).rmdDir <- getwd() # Path of this Rmd fiile
workdir <- "~/LCG_BEII/practical_motif_discovery"
dir.create(workdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
oligo.url <- ""
oligo.file <- basename(oligo.url) ## Suppress the URL path and keep only the file name for local storage
download.file(oligo.url, destfile = oligo.file)
In R, open a new script or R markdown file.
Load the data table, print the 5 top rows and the 5 bottom rows.
oligo.table <- read.delim(oligo.file, header = 1, row.names = 1)
# View(oligo.table)
head(oligo.table, n = 5)
obs_freq exp_freq occ exp_occ
aaaaaa|tttttt 0.004592808 0.004896299 41 43.71
aaaaac|gttttt 0.001120197 0.001998518 10 17.84
aaaaag|cttttt 0.003696651 0.003604251 33 32.18
aaaaat|attttt 0.004032710 0.004160627 36 37.14
aaaaca|tgtttt 0.001344237 0.001932479 12 17.25
tail(oligo.table, n = 5)
obs_freq exp_freq occ exp_occ
ttccaa|ttggaa 0.0008961577 0.0008428396 8 7.52
ttcgaa|ttcgaa 0.0001120197 0.0003224542 1 2.88
ttgaaa|tttcaa 0.0019043352 0.0019087053 17 17.04
ttgcaa|ttgcaa 0.0001120197 0.0004030214 1 3.60
tttaaa|tttaaa 0.0005600986 0.0009379354 5 8.37
x <- oligo.table$occ
[1] 0 45
max.x <- max(x)
hist(x, breaks = 0:max.x, col = "palegreen",
xlab = "Observed occurrences",
ylab = "Nb of oligos",
las = 1,
main = "Distribution of oligonucelotide occurrences")
exp.occ <- oligo.table$exp_occ
plot(exp.occ, x, col = "grey", las = 1,
xlab = "Expected occurrences",
ylab = "Observed occurrences",
main = "Observed vs expected occurrences")
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "black")
abline(h = 0, col = "black")
abline(v = 0, col = "black")
abline(a = 0, b = 2, col = "brown")
Scatter plot of observed versus expected occurrences. The black diagonal corresponds to the null hypothesis, the brown line denotes an arbitrary threshold on fold-change > 2.
ratio <- (x/exp.occ)
plot(exp.occ, ratio,
col = "grey", las = 1,
xlab = "Expected occurrences",
ylab = "(obs/exp) ratio",
main = "(obs/exp) ratio")
abline(h = 1, col = "black")
abline(h = 2, col = "brown")
Observed/expected ratio. Top: histogram of ratio values. Bottom: ratio versus expected occurrences. The black line to the null hypothesis, the brown line denotes an arbitrary threshold on fold-change > 2.
lr <- log(x/exp.occ)
oligo.table$lr <- lr
plot(exp.occ, lr,
col = "grey", las = 1,
xlab = "Expected occurrences",
ylab = "log(obs/exp)",
main = "Log-ratio")
abline(h = 0, col = "black")
abline(h = log(2), col = "brown")
Scatter plot of observed versus expected occurrences. The black diagonal corresponds to the null hypothesis, the brown line denotes an arbitrary threshold on fold-change > 2.
\[lr = log(x/<X>)\]
\[llr = f \cdot log(x/<X>)\]
p <- oligo.table$exp_freq
llr <- p * log(x/exp.occ)
oligo.table$llr <- llr
plot(exp.occ, llr,
col = "grey", las = 1,
xlab = "Expected occurrences",
ylab = "llr",
main = "Log-likelihood ratio")
abline(h = 0, col = "black")
Scatter plot of log-likelihood ratio (llr) versus expected occurrences. The black line corresponds to the null hypothesis, the brown line denotes an arbitrary threshold on fold-change > 2.
# abline(h = log(2), col = "brown")
n <- 8000
p <- 0.001
x <- 15# Number of successes
X <- 0:40 ## values to display
plot(X, dbinom(x = X, size = n, prob = p), type = "h", col = "grey",
ylab = "P(X = x)", las = 1,
xlab = "X (nb of successes)")
arrows(x, 0.04, x, 0.02, lwd = 2, length = 0.1, angle = 30, col = "red")
tail <- x:40
lines(tail, dbinom(x = tail, size = n, prob = p), type = "h", col = "red")
arrows(x, 0.04, x, 0.02, lwd = 2, length = 0.1, angle = 30, col = "red")
pval <- pbinom(q = x - 1, size = n, prob = p, lower.tail = FALSE)
legend("topright", legend = paste("pval =", signif(digits = 3, pval)))
\[P = T(X \ge x)\]
x <- oligo.table$occ ## Nuumber of successes
n <- sum(x) ## Number of trials
p <- oligo.table$exp_freq ## Success probability
p <- p / sum(p) # A correction for the fact that we discarded self-overlapping occurrences
# sum(p)
nbTests <- length(x) # Number of tests
## Compute a P-value for each individual oligonucleotide
oligo.table$pval <- pbinom(q = x - 1, size = n, prob = p, lower.tail = FALSE)
hist(oligo.table$pval, breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.05),
col = "beige", main = "P-value histogram")
Histogram of nominal p-values for all the hexanucleotides grouped by pairs of reverse complements.
# hist(lr, breaks = 50)
plot(lr, oligo.table$pval, col = "grey", panel.first = grid())
abline(v = 0)
# hist(lr, breaks = 50)
plot(lr, oligo.table$pval, col = "grey",
log = "y", las = 1, ylim = c(1e-20, 1),
panel.first = grid())
abline(v = 0)
\[E = P \cdot N\] \[sig = -log_{10}(E)\]
oligo.table$eval <- oligo.table$pval * nbTests
oligo.table$sig <- -log10(oligo.table$eval)
plot(oligo.table$lr, oligo.table$sig,
col = "grey",
xlab = "Log-ratio",
ylab = "sig = -log10(E)",
panel.first = grid())
abline(h = 0)
alpha <- 0.05
abline(h = -log10(alpha), col = "red")
lambda <- oligo.table$exp_occ * sum(oligo.table$occ) / sum(oligo.table$exp_occ)
oligo.table$pval_Poisson <- ppois(
q = oligo.table$occ - 1, lambda = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
plot(oligo.table$pval, oligo.table$pval_Poisson,
log = "xy")
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
range(oligo.table$pval / oligo.table$pval_Poisson)
[1] 0.9739469 1.0185630