Stats with R and RStudio

Probabilité et statistique pour la biologie (STAT1)

Jacques van Helden



In this session we will explore basic manipulations of variables.

R is a calculator


Example: compute a simple addition.

2 + 5
[1] 7

Assign a value to a variable

In R <- means “create a variable and assign its value.”


a <- 2
[1] 2

Computing with variables


b <- 5
c <- a + b
[1] 7

Variables need to be updated


a <- 3 ## Change the value of a
print(c) ## Print the value of c
[1] 7
## Check whether c equals a + b
c == a + b

Note: == is used to test whether two variables have the same content.

Updating variable contents


a <- 27 ## Change the value of a
c <- a + b
print(c) ## Print the value of c
[1] 32
## Check whether c  equals a + b
c == a + b
[1] TRUE

Vectors of values

The simplest data structure in R is a vector. In the previous example, the variable a was actually a vector with a single value.

Example: create a variable named three.numbers, and initialize it with a vector with values 27, 12 and 3000.

Tips: - variable names can comprize several parts, separated by dots. - the function c() combines several values into a vector

three.numbers <- c(27,12,3000)
[1]   27   12 3000


The simple way to create a series of numbers. The column operator permits to generate all integer values between two limits.

x <- 0:14
 [1]  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14

Computing with vectors

R handles vectors in a very convenient way. An operation on a vector applies to all its elements.

x <- 1:10 # Define a series from 1 to 10
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
y <- x^2 # Compute the square of each number
 [1]   1   4   9  16  25  36  49  64  81 100

Scatter plot

x <- -10:10
y <- x^2

Line plot

x <- -10:10
y <- x^2
plot(x,y, type="l")

Variables can also contain strings

# The # symbol allows to insert comments in R code

# Define  a vector named "whoami", and 
# containing two names
whoami <- c("Denis", "Siméon")
print(whoami) # Comment at the end of a line
[1] "Denis"  "Siméon"

String concatenation

# Define  a vector named "names", and 
# containing two names
whoami <- c("Denis", "Siméon")

# Paste the values of a vector of string 
print(paste(sep=" ", whoami[1], whoami[2]))
[1] "Denis Siméon"

Carl’s preferred distribution

The function dpois() computes the Poisson density, i.e. the probability to observe exactly \(x\) successes in a series of independent trials with equal probability.

The Poisson distribution is defined by a single parameter: the expected number of successes \(\lambda\) (read “lambda”).

\[P(X=x) = \frac{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^x}{x!}\]

x <- 0:14   # Define the X values from 0 to 14
y <- dpois(x, lambda = 2.5) # Poisson density
print(y) # Check the result

Plotting the Poisson distribution

x <- 0:14   # Define the X values from 0 to 14
y <- dpois(x, lambda = 2.5) # Poisson density
plot(x,y) # Check the result

This first plot is not very nice. Let us get some help to improve it.

Getting help for R functions

Need help? Type help().


A question? Type ?


Result: R displays the help message for the function dpois().

Exercise: improve Poisson density plot

  1. Do not (yet) look the next slide.
  2. Read the help page for the dpois()function.
  3. draw a plot that provides a didactic illustration of the Poisson density.

Improve the plot: type = histogram

x <- 0:14
lambda <- 2.54
y <- dpois(x, lambda)
plot(x,y, type="h")

Improve the plot: Add a title

plot(x,y, type="h", lwd=5, col="blue",
     main="Poisson density")

Improve the plot: define axis labels

plot(x,y, type="h", lwd=5, col="blue",
     main="Poisson density",
     xlab="x = number of successes",

Improve the plot: add a legend

plot(x,y, type="h", lwd=5, col="blue",
     main="Poisson density",
     xlab="x = number of successes",
legend("topright", paste("lambda =", lambda))

Poisson: a family of curves

Exercice: explore the properties of the Poisson density function, by changing the rang of \(x\) values, and the \(\lambda\) parameter.

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 0.01
x <- 0:20
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 0.1
x <- 0:20
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 1
x <- 0:20
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 2
x <- 0:20
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 5
x <- 0:20
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 5
x <- 0:40
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 10
x <- 0:(4*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=5, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 20
x <- 0:(4*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=2, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 30
x <- 0:(2*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=2, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 50
x <- 0:(2*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=2, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 100
x <- 0:(2*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=2, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 1000
x <- 0:(2*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=2, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


lambda <- 10000
x <- 0:(2*lambda)
plot(x, dpois(x,lambda=lambda), type="h",   
     col="darkblue", lwd=2, xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")
legend("topright", paste("lambda=",lambda))

Solution: a family of Poisson curves


plot(95000:105000, dpois(95000:105000,lambda=100000), type="h", col="darkblue", xlab="X",ylab="dpois(x)")

Before finishing – keep track of your session

Tractability is an important issue in sciences. The R function sessionInfo() summarizes information about the versions of R, the operating system, and all the libraries used during a session.

R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.6

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] knitr_1.15.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] backports_1.0.5 magrittr_1.5    rprojroot_1.2   tools_3.3.2    
 [5] htmltools_0.3.5 yaml_2.1.14     Rcpp_0.12.10    stringi_1.1.5  
 [9] rmarkdown_1.5   stringr_1.2.0   digest_0.6.12   evaluate_0.10