Support for the course "Bioinformatica & Estadistica II", 2nd year Licenciatura en Ciencias Genomicas, UNAM, Cuernavaca.
This site contains the support for the courses taught by Jacques van Helden to 2nd year students of the Licenciatura en Ciencias Genomicas de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, in the module “Bioinformatica & Estadistica II”.
This Web site contains the teaching material for a 1-week course taught by Jacques van Helden to 2nd year's students of the Licenciatura en Ciencias Genomicas (LCG) of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM).
The goal of the course is to introduce bioinformatics and statistical methods to analyse gene regulation based on Next Generation Sequencing data.
Jacques van Helden (ORCID 0000-0002-8799-8584)
Alfredo Hernandez (UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico) : deployment of the RSAT server on the LCG server; RSAT containerisation on Singularity
The slides presented in this course are a subset of a general course on Regulatory Sequence Analysis, available on github.
Topics | Supports |
Transcriptional regulation | [slides] |
Position-specific scoring matrices (PSSM) | [slides] |
Sequence models (Bernoulli, Markov chains) | [slides] |
Matrix-based pattern matching | [slides] |
Exercises: scaning sequences with a reference motif | [html] [Rmd] |
Solutions scaning sequences with a reference motif | [html] [Rmd] |
Topics | Supports |
Introduction to motif discovery | [slides] |
String-based pattern discovery | [slides] |
Tutorial: motif discovery in promoters of yeast regulons | [tutorial] |
Exercise: discovering a motif discovery algorithm | [html] [pdf] [Rmd] |
Topics | Supports |
Slides: ChIP-seq technology + motif discovery | [pdf] |
Practical: analyzing ChIP-seq peaks | [html] [Rmd] |
The final report will consist in finishing the practical on ChIP-seq analysis.
Reports must be submitted on the LCG BEII Web site before Feb 9.
A template is provided in .docx and Rmd formats. Read carefully the instructions before starting the work.
Name | Description + URL |
RSAT | Regulatory sequence analysis tools: |
RegulonDB | Transcription factor database: |
RSAT course | Teaching material about the analysis of regulatory sequences |
ChIP-seq tutorial | Tutorial on chip-seq analysis written by Morgane Thomas-Chollier, from which I used the FNR dataset used in this course |
Stats4bioinfo | Supporting site for an introductory course about statistics for bioingormatics |
AVIESAN NGS ChIP-seq course | |
Classification performance indicators | Confusion matrix, Sensitivity and specificity |
JASPAR | Open-access database for eukaryotic transcription factor binding profiles: |